Your Questions & Answers
Q What is the U3A?
A The U3A (University of the Third Age) is an international association of independent groups of people who come together to learn, keep fit, or just relax over a range of activities. Over 1,000 U3As have been formed throughout the UK, and many other countries have similar organisations.
The Ash and District Branch serves the areas of Ash, Ash Vale, Normandy, Mytchett and the villages on the borders of South West Surrey and North East Hampshire
We currently have over 30 interest groups covering a range of subjects, a monthly meeting with a guest speaker, and the occasional special event. Established in 2000 Ash U3A now has a membership of over 300.
We are a charity
Q Is U3A really a university?
A University originally meant “a number of persons associated into one body, a society, company or community”. That is precisely what we are – a group of people who have come together to learn, keep fit, relax, share experiences, make friends, and just have a good laugh.
Q Do I have to have any qualifications?
No. Members come from all walks of life, with a range of experience and knowledge and many different skills.
Q Are there any exams or tests?
A No.
Q What is meant by the Third Age?
A The First Age is childhood. The Second Age is employment and parental responsibility. The Third Age is the period after this. One in four of the UK population is in the Third Age
Q Who can join Ash U3A?
A Anyone not in full-time employment is welcome. This means that self-employed people can join. There is no lower age limit for membership
Q How much does it cost to join?
A Membership is £10 per year. Our year is from September to August, if you join after 31st March the fee is reduced to £5.
This covers central administration costs and a fee to U3A Headquarters. It also means you can join us at our Monthly Meetings (see below), with refreshments, at no extra cost.
Q Are there any other charges?
A Yes, some groups have to charge a fee to cover the cost of hall hire, materials etc. and other groups arrange visits, for which members pay.
Q What are the Monthly Meetings?
A Each month a meeting is held at St Mary’s Church Hall with an invited guest speaker. Speakers range from script writers for Bruce Forsyth, Les Dawson, Tommy Cooper, to international wild life photographers, historians (The Magna Charter, Tower of London, Big Ben) and climbers of Kilimanjaro. They last around 1½ hours. There is no extra charge for them, and they offer a chance to have a chat with other members over a cup of tea (or coffee).
For information on forthcoming Monthly Meetings click here
Q How do I join?
APlease click here
You will need to be a member before you can join a group or put your name on a waiting list.
If you are already a member of another U3A you will need to join Ash U3A before you can join a group.
Q 11. Can I attend a group before deciding to join Ash U3A?
A Yes you can attend a group you are interested in once. Please contact groups enquiries via our contact page (click here) who will inform the group leader you may be attending.
Q How many groups can I join?
A As many as you like, although you might want to leave some time for chores!!
Q How do I find out if a group I am interested in has vacancies?
A By contacting group enquiries via our contact page (click here)
Q If I join how do I find out what is happening or where to find information on groups/events?
A All groups, timetable, regular events such as monthly meetings, quiz nights and much more are on our website
We will send you an email every month informing you of the next Monthly Meeting. We will also email you when our Newsletter is published. Otherwise information is posted on a notice board at the Ash Centre. Or you can send a request through the contact page (click here).
Attending Monthly Meetings is another way of keeping in touch.
Q How is Ash U3A managed?
A The overall management is the responsibility of an elected Trustee Board, supported by management support teams.
The activities of Ash U3A are carried out by individual interest groups.
Q What do I do if the answer to my question is not here?
A Click here to go direct to our contact page, fill in the form with your details and question, click on the Send button. One of the team will get back to you with an answer, or further information/discussion.