Zoom Meeting ‘A Schoolgirl’s War’
From 2.30 pm until 4 pm
Organiser: Mary Smith Jones
In this talk "A Schoolgirl's War" Mary tells the story of school life during WW2 and features the recently discovered and exquisite artwork of a WW2 school art teacher.
She set out to document in paint and pencil the lives of school children and their teachers as the war unfolded.
I don't think there is a similar collection of paintings anywhere. Her work features in paint the disrupted schooling, air-raids, doodlebugs, and underground lessons in shelters which were experienced by so many children.
The talk will include a selection of these paintings, together with some anecdotes from wartime
The Zoom link will be open from 2.15pm
when members will be able to chat for a while.
The meeting will start at 2.30pm
Zoom Meeting Details
Meeting ID: 990 0216 9959
Passcode: 419588