Bringing People Together

Healthy Walking – Brook

nearest postcode GU8 5UJ


From 10.15 for 10.30 start until 12.30

nearest postcode GU8 5UJ

Organiser: Jim Forsyth

Brook is on the A286 Haslemere Road .  The quickest way is to take the A3 southwards and come off at the Milford junction which is after the BP garage. Taking the exit from the A3 turn left at the roundabout signposted Milford A283, Godalming (A3100) and Haslemere A286  dual carriageway to the outskirts of Milford then road becomes A286.

Look for The Dog and Pheasant pub which will be on the right with Brook Road directly opposite it .  Park in Brook Road, with the cricket ground on the left and a small green on the right.

The walk is partly on the Greensand way , some lanes and most of it is in shade,  there are a couple of small rises but nothing major.  There are no stiles .

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