Bringing People Together


The Reeds Road Farnham GU10 2DL

Tilford Area - Heathland and the River Wey

From 10am until 12:30pm

Rural Life Centre/RSPB Car Park

The Reeds Road Farnham GU10 2DL

Organiser: Peter Stratford

A 5.5ml circuit starting from the Rural Life Centre/RSPB car park. On entering the Centre turn left and then right into the strip of ground serving as the main car park. The walk goes through the Farnham Heath RSPB Reserve, follows the Northern Wey to Tilford Village Green and then back along the Southern Wey to Pierrepont Farm, up past Tankersford Common and returns through Farnham Heath RSPB Reserve. No styles, no steep hills.

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