Bringing People Together


GU10 5QF


From 10.00

Croft Lane, Crondall GR/794485

GU10 5QF

Organiser: Rob Long / 07984 343157

The walk - Footpaths, metalled road and farm tracks mainly in open countryside, with no stiles, and only gentle climbs. Some field edge tracks are likely to be a little muddy.
From Aldershot take the A287 in Odiham diection. Turn left into Bowling Alley immediately opposite the Garage at Mill Lane. Follow the road into Crondall village centre along Pankridge Street and left into Church Street at The Plume of Feathers pub. At the top of Castle St turn right into Croft Lane and park in road. Meet in Hook Meadow Recreation Ground just opposite All Saints Church Yard.

You must read the Rambling Group Covid-19 information and complete a personal risk assessment U3A-Personal-Risk-Assessment-Checklist-Pre-attendance-1 before attending this walk.


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