Puttenham Common & Puttenham
Open skies, woods, fields & a village. What more could you want.
From 10.15 until 12.30
Puttenham Common 'TOP' car park. Note Postcode is the nearest but not exact.
Organiser: Derek Monds
A walk from Puttenham top car park (Ex 145 grid 920 462) Take your favourite route to Puttenham from Ash, that's over the Hogs Back and under the A31, then down the hill and turn right into The Street leaving Puttenham Priory and the church on your left. Take the 1st left (narrow junction opposite The Good Intent pub) into Suffield Lane. The car park is approx 1.3 miles on the right at the top of the hill. Refreshments after at The Good Intent (back down the hill, in the village) if desired