Bringing People Together

Ash u3a Monthly Meeting

203 Vale Rd, Ash Vale, Aldershot GU12 5JE

Magicians and the Music Hall

From 2:15 p.m. for 2:30 p.m. start

St. Mary's Church Hall

203 Vale Rd, Ash Vale, Aldershot GU12 5JE

Organiser: Diana Wilson / for more information phone 07742 657652

Speaker: Robin Maddy

Robin, who is a silver medalist member of the Magic Circle, has been involved in magic for over 50 years.

He will take us on an enthralling journey back to the heyday of variety theatre and the golden age of the great illusionists, including Houdini. Famous magicians will also be featured such as The Great Lyle, David Devant and Chung Ling Soo.




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