Art & Paint for All
We are looking forward to being a much larger group now meeting every week. We will all do our own thing using pastels, water colour, oils, acrylics, collage, graphite and/or colour pencils, whatever takes your fancy!
There is no formal teaching but we all stretch our legs and offer constructive comments as and when asked for. It is therefore not for complete beginners, who will require tuition, but those wanting some help. We are always happy to oblige and would love some more members.
So if in the past, you have enjoyed painting or drawing in any medium and want to take it up again or if you are currently painting or drawing and need a bit of help to learn more and improve, then please consider joining this very friendly group that share their love of ‘Art for All’.
Our Group
Leader: Heather Acheson
Co-Ordinator: Ron Jarmain / 01252 325762
Day & Time: Thursday weekly from 1.00pm to 3.30 pm
Venue: Large Hall Victoria Hall, Ash
Autumn Term 2024
Start date – Thursday 5th September
Last date – Thursday 5th December
Half Term (no meeting) – Thursday 31st October
We are very much looking forward to the new term and the new format, and would be very pleased to welcome new members.