Bringing People Together

Ash u3a Monthly Meeting

203 Vale Rd, Ash Vale, Aldershot GU12 5JE

Prosopagnosia - the inability to recognise faces

From 2:15 p.m. for 2:30 p.m. start

St. Mary's Church Hall

203 Vale Rd, Ash Vale, Aldershot GU12 5JE

Organiser: Diana Wilson / for more information phone 07742 657652

Speaker: Jo Livingstone

In 2012 Jo Livingston, one of the Directors of Face Blind UK, set out to gather the lived experience of individuals diagnosed with prosopagnosia.  Some stories are funny, some quite poignant, but together they bring a neurological condition to life and place it in a personal and social context.







Jo Livingston, was sixty years old before her inability to recognise faces was diagnosed as face-blindness. “I look at my daughter or at pictures of my husband, and I don’t recognise them,” she said. “Over the years you develop strategies to help you identify people, like where a particular colleague sits in the office, or their hair, or how they walk, but inevitably there are situations where these strategies don’t work, and it can be upsetting and awkward when you can’t work out who it is you’re talking to, or mistake them for someone else.”

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