Art and Architecture
This group meets every other month for a presentation on topics which range widely across the subject, sometimes about individual artists, and sometimes about movements or themes in art and architecture. The talks are researched and prepared by members, although there is no requirement to do so; you will be made very welcome if you simply wish to look at beautiful images, listen to the talks and perhaps ask the occasional question.
We also have the occasional visit to a local exhibition or other attraction of interest.
Our programme for the next few months is :-
Nov 5th Three talks:
Beryl Cook
Jan 7th Everyone’s “Desert Island” Artwork
Day & Time: Meetings usually take place on the 1st Tuesday of alternate months, 2.00 – 3.30pm
Venue: Victoria Halls, Ash Hill Road
If you are thinking of joining, or would like to learn more about us first, please contact David Murray (07790 674115), or just come along to a meeting.