About Ash u3a
Ash u3a (University of the Third Age) was established in 2000 and now has a membership in excess of 300. A monthly meeting is held at St Mary’s Church Hall on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2.30 pm. Generally there is a guest speaker from outside the area or there is an alternative activity. The monthly meetings include refreshments, for no charge, and offer an opportunity for members to get together for a chat.
Ash u3a has around thirty specialist activity groups. Group meetings are held at many locations, depending upon the nature of the activity, they include, St Mary’s Church Hall, The Ash Centre, Victoria Hall, Normandy Village Hall, Tongham Village Hall, plus members’ homes.
Our membership year runs from September to August. Members pay an annual subscription which for the 2024-2025 year is £10, and £5 for new members joining after 31st March 2025. This subscription covers central administration costs and a capitation fee to the Third Age Trust. The fee is kept low because the framework of the Ash u3a is that it is run by its members and each group is responsible for itself. Members can join as many groups as they wish. Some activity groups may need additional funding to cover the cost of hall hire, materials, etc. For more information on membership, please visit our “Membership & Renewals” page:
Other pages provide more information on our specialist activity groups. The link below provides a list of existing groups:
The following groups are seeking new members:
Open Day and AGM
Our Open Day and AGM are normally held on the Last Thursday in August, at the Ash Centre. Potential new members are invited to attend from 2pm to learn about how to join our friendly local Ash u3a and have a cuppa and chat with members of our Committee who will be on hand to welcome you.
Our specialist activity Groups have stands from 2pm onwards where existing and potential new members can have tea and a chat with the Group Leaders to learn about their Groups’ activities. The formal AGM will commence from around 2.45pm. Only members have voting rights.
Further Information
The links below provide more information about Ash u3a.
The links below provide access to all the formal documentation relating to Ash u3a.
Handbook and Forms for Group Leaders