Bringing People Together

Mottisfont Abbey

Mottisfont  Abbey  Mottisfont Ln, Romsey SO51 0LP (NT)

Mottisfont Abbey NT

From 10.00

Ash Hill Road ,Car park. opposite Victoria Hall, Meeting 10.00am

Mottisfont Abbey Mottisfont Ln, Romsey SO51 0LP (NT)

Cost: Free Member NT non Member TBA

 ( Miles 45-50 Travel Time 1 hour)

Mottisfont Abbey is a historical priory and country estate in Hampshire, England. Sheltered in the valley of the River Test, the property is now operated by the National Trust. About 350,000 people visit each year Ancient trees, babbling brooks a nd rolling lawns frame Mottisfont's 18th-century house with a medieval priory at its heart. The most beautiful Rose Garden in Britain




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