Bringing People Together

Healthy Walking Guide Lines

These are our general guide lines for the group. They are followed by additional guidelines for the current COVID 19 situation.

1. Walks are around 3 1/2 to 4 miles aiming to be back at our starting point between 12.30 & 1.00. If the walk includes stiles, we try to advise before hand.

2. Safety is important, but we also recognise that we are a group of able independent adults. We ask the walk leader & a ‘tail end Charlie’ to wear bright tabards, marked “Walkers” for general safety purposes. The leader should endeavour to ensure the tail end person is generally in sight and does not get too far behind, then no one gets lost. We suggest when crossing roads that can be busy, especially when they are on a bend, that we wait for the ‘tail end Charlie’ to catch up before crossing. The two tabard wearers can then be on the outside of everyone, the two can see further around the bend in each direction than any one person and will be more visible to any oncoming vehicle drivers.

3. Occasionally photo’s are taken of the group on a walk, these are sometimes used to go on the website, individuals are not identified, if anyone does not want their picture to appear on the website please let me know.

4. Should anyone need to phone us just before a walk please use the mobile numbers published on the front page after 9.30am. We may not all be walking so please try another number if the first mobile is not answered.

5. This is a group where we share walk leadership, so please do find a walk, we don’t mind repeating walks done before, and take a turn in leading. We can help if you’ve never done it before and want some advice, books  etc.

6. If part of your walk is over M.O.D. land please call the SE OPS room on 01420 483405 to let them know the Group will be present on that day.

A big THANK YOU to all those who do lead.

COVID-19 additional guidelines :

  1. All walks may be subject to revision or cancellation depending on changes in Government  guidelines or directives.
  2. Anyone suffering from Covid-19 symptoms or who shares a household with someone suffering from them should NOT attend the walk
  3. All participants should bring their own face mask in case of need.

Go to Healthy Walking Page
Doc:- Programme